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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Visual Source Safe : Could not find the visual SourceSafe internet web service connection information. SourceSafe web service cannot be accessed.

Today one of my team member tried to open a solution from VS2010 and which is hosted in VSS server. During the time he opens the solution the VSS Server was switched off (offline) and he was promted with multiple options (of course, the system couldn't connect to the shared folder database) and he choode "work offline" mode and opened the solution.

Lates the VSS server was Switched on (online) and he tried to open the .net project solution .sln , and this time he got the following error.

"Could not find the visual SourceSafe internet web service connection information. SourceSafe web service cannot be accessed."

Solution :

Go to the Visual Studio -> Tools -> options -> Choose Source Control and Plug-in Selection.
Switch Back to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe instead of Microsoft Visual SourceSafe(Interenet);

For VS2010 Premium and Ultimate
Go to the Visual Studio -> Debug -> Options and Settings -> Choose Source Control and Plug-in Selection.  Switch Back to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe instead of Microsoft Visual SourceSafe(Interenet);

Note : The scenario above I mentioned is based on my friend's Information.

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