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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Standard Master 2005

Works directly against your source code, checking your naming conventions, commenting, and overall code construction.

Recently i was assigned a task to do code review of the team project, so i started looking for a tool and i tried SM 2005. It impressed me a because of userfriendlyness and i tested the pros and cons of SM 2005 in 2 hours. Few features like bulk comment, export the bug in xml, customization in Naming convention and code construct etc.

If FlexiSoft focus on the export and customization in error list , then it will be the best product. Export to Excel and word are missing. Hope the next version will fulfill the features.

Also i checked some other tools from other sites
My Choice : - Coding style, comments are handles properly and profile management and portability are good (My first choice) - Very good, userfriendly, Excel and xml report, Naming conventions ... (This is my second choice) - From Microsoft and free (Third) - Suitable for Assembly comparison and dependency checking.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Altering the page using Render


I had a chat with collegues and we discovered some interesting and useful stuff in the Render method.

I added a button and link button server controls and i like to remove the submit button from the page at runtime (to test the render feature).

protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output)

System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter buffer = new HtmlTextWriter(writer);
string sGridHtml = writer.ToString();
sGridHtml = sGridHtml.Replace(strRemove, "");


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Deevali card 2007

This deevali is special for me, because i am celebrating the Deevali after 5 years in India and its Thalai deevai too.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Installing the Database using Aspnet_regsql.exe

ASP.NET includes a tool for installing the SQL Server database used by the SQL Server
providers, named Aspnet_regsql.exe. The Aspnet_regsql.exe tool is located in the
drive:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\versionNumber folder on your Web server.
Aspnet_regsql.exe is used to both create the SQL Server database and add or remove options
from an existing database.
We can install using commandline argument and using wizard. These steps are shown in the following pics.

Acknowledgement :

Monday, November 5, 2007

NHibernate Helper Kit

Here is a tool for the use of your own applications that NHibernate. The target of this tool, if you are using the NHibernate, is that you need to write a lot of persistent class and XML mapping for each persistent class. Also, you need to write the NHibernate config file. At this point, to use this tool you can automatically create all these files in a few seconds.
Download Link :