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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

.NET Good URLs

Entity Framework 4.1 - Code First

The Entity Framework 4.1 includes two new main features: DbContext API and Code First.

The DbContext API is a simplified abstraction over the existing ObjectContext type and a number of other types that were included in previous releases of the Entity Framework. The DbContext API surface is optimized for common tasks and coding patterns. Common functionality is exposed at the root level and more advanced functionality is available as you drill down through the API.

Code First is a new development pattern for the Entity Framework that provides an alternative to the existing Database First and Model First patterns. Code First lets you define your model using CLR classes; you can then map these classes to an existing database or use them to generate a database schema.

Source :

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011


PC Assembling

Items required to assemble the PC.

1. Case & power supply
2. CPU - Processor (AMD or Intel)
3. CPU Coolers and Case Fans
4. Mother board
5. Video card
6. Sound Card
7. Card reader
8. LCD Monitor
10. HDD
11. Optical drive - DVD
12. Mouse-KB-Speaker-Printer

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Risk Management - Vocabularies

Critical event
Corporate governance
– CG relates to how well the company is managed – Good corporate governance, is about Responsible and Transparent decision making and Leadership.
Ex : Good corporate governance is especially important in times of Economic Instability.

Compliance – Following rules, regulations and laws is compliance.
Eg : Our lawyers have reviewed the contract to ensure that we are in full compliance with Industry regulations.

Due Diligence
When we do all the necessary research before make a decision or signing a contract, we are performing due diligence
Due diligence might show that people were not honest about profit or potential risk
Ex: Before buying a business, you must perform due diligence on both business and seller.

Exposure – In Risk management, exposure is about how much risk you face.
High exposure means you face a lot risk and a potential damage.

Risk appetite – The amount of risk or level of exposure, that a company is willing to accept is its risk appetite.
Ex : people or company with a high risk appetite such as venture capitalists, usually anticipate great future profit.

Public scrutiny – Scrutiny is close examination or study
Ex: After scandals in companies such as Enran, corporate accounting is subject to much greater public scrutiny.
Diagnose – When we diagnose the problem, we find the cause or reason for the problem.
Critical Incidence Analysis- Is a set of techniques that are used to find and solve the problems in a company, a process or a System.
Ex: CIA has provided our company with the tools to deal with big problems when they happen.


Natural disaster

External and Internal Risks
There may be a risk management strategy for the organization as a whole, which attempts to account for External and Internal risks to the company.
External risk – Global Economic condition / Competitor
Internal risk – Problem employees / Budget overrun.

Project Appraisal

When you examine a project to figure out whether Good or Bad, Risk or safe, you are doing Project appraisal.
Conducting project appraisal will help a company determine which project or product will make money.

Predict / foresee – To predict or foresee is to look into the future and try to guess what will happen. Ex : Smart investors try to predict the changes in the market before they happen.

Hazard - The specific situation that might cause damage or harm to the company in future are called Hazards.
Ex : Employee dissatisfaction / Product failure / Increased competition.

Avoid Risk – Ex avoid invest in a particular country

Transfer Risk – When we share or give it to another company, we are transferring that risk. Risk transfers almost and always means buying Insurance.

Mitigate risk - Another way to deal with risk is mitigate it or decrease the potential damage of a risk that can be avoided.
Ex: Companies use antivirus software to reduce the probability and damage of computer virus.

Retain Risk : A company may retail or Accept risk if they see the potential from profit or advantages.

Disclosure : It is showing or revealing Information, usually negative Information about a situation.

Reputation management : Companies must pay close attention to their public image and what people think.